The purpose of this site is to enable patients to access dermatology images.

All pictures were taken by Yasusi Suzumura in Japan.

How to search
1) After entering keywords, please click the search button,
or after clicking the keyword button, please select keywords.
Two or more keywords can be entered by dividing in a space.

2) A click of the thumbnail image displays an expanded image and explanation.
When the corresponding data is 11 or more pieces, please click an arrow button and change the page.

Environment of operation
Monitor setting of 1028 X 768 , ColorSpace : sRGB

All materials on this site are strictly protected by copyright laws.
Any reproduction, printing, or distribution of the materials is strictly prohibited.
Doctors, pharmacists and nurses must not use this database for the explanation to patients
and for educational purposes.
However, you can use this database for the educational purpose if you teach dermatology in
the countries other than Japan, USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada.